Changes in Process in the World

CHANGES in PROCESS, as of Oct/2020 (in no particular order) Since last year or so, I have been scratching these various notes to myself as I read about stuff and thought about it. I’ve gathered them together here. I have sent this paper to a few people and have been...

Letter to Dr. Ian Stewart

Dear Dr. Stewart Just found out about you and enjoyed Letters to a Young Mathematician.  You talked about symmetry being the repetition of identical units, and I realized that DNA was this and I wondered if symmetry had been applied to DNA. I never heard anyone...


I write them as 17 syllables. Fun, penetrating thought, love, …   The smell of your wrist lights my heart, and readies my loins for roasting.   My lips flow like marshmallows as they descend on your trembling bonfire....

The Evolution of History

[I’m still working on this one…] History. I visualize it as follows. We humans start as small groups of individuals on a large “plain” living day to day, hand to mouth. Groups get bigger, individuals compete within the group and the groups...