Phonemes, computer instructions and ACGT are all the same: vectors to accomplish something.
What is the source?
They all work similarly, to describe, to communicate and more importantly to make more of something. Through communication.
Mandelbrot said “Bottomless wonders spring from simple rules… repeated without end.”
This is interesting. What is vital (literally) is why we make things of increasingly complexity.
In general a higher level of complexity yields higher abilities and intelligence.
What is driving us?
What is another instruction set?
IMHO, fractals are the key to our existence – both temporally and spiritually. Hence, the First Cause must always be binary, evolving in a sequence of the subsequent existences………everything resolves to the Golden Ratio, and, in its utmost simplicity, to its origin.
‘Back to the Garden’ – Crosby, Stills, Nash, Young…….in essence, aren’t we all trying to reignite the innocence and purity of our youth, whilst embodying the experiential gain? How does one do that? Isn’t all that we touch, do, see, experience, modified – and biased/skewed – by our choices and our resolutions?
You stated that “a higher level of complexity yields higher abilities and intelligence” – but, does it? Is it a foregone conclusion, an absolute? Maybe by reverting to our original state would enable us to fully embrace who and what we are, as part of the First Cause – we really should not need any other excuse for being and becoming, because it is inherent in us, even though we are unaware of it.
Schools should teach ‘awareness’ and our interaction – nay – juxtaposition – in this incongruent reality that we have a rather nebulous ‘contractual obligation’ with.
Who/what defines “reality”? It is as unique and complex as our own individual DNA. OK, we have a collective agreement, but beyond that is infinity…… numbers extending their tentacles into an unfathomable infinity. THAT is what drives us……to reach beyond that presumed boundary/limit. Because we can – we just didn’t figure out the algorithm yet…..
We ARE the algorithm. All this is trying to understand our own ‘program’. Thing is, every time we understand something – we change the program. So it’s hard to get a handle on it. Remember Godel, Escher, Bach…
Perhaps, curiosity, intelligence, and the desire to know.
I agree. I was thinking more of the source within us, like the source of creative ideas – not just in art, but in all things. Curiosity is effected thru these instruction sets. Sort of like bootstrapping a system.
What is another kind of vector?