Media: Oil on canvas
Size: 40 x 51 cm
Price: $400 US
Artist Comment
I saw this picture in a newspaper. An artist (European? I wish I could remember who – if you know please inform me) had painted this full-length and always kept it in his room it meant a lot to him. It really touched me too so I painted just the face. I did it by painting the reverse. I covered the canvas with a thick layer of dark paint then wiped off to allow the light out. It turned out to be the perfect way. I after that I touched it up here and there, slight bit of colour occasionally. I feel it means reflection and exploring at the same time, the paradox of being – stillness contained in movement which is growth. In fact I keep one of my paintings in my bedroom – it reminds me of being afraid, NOT to be and to walk right through the fear to the other side…