Giulio Perroni is a Canadian artist.  Self-taught, he paints primarily in oil. From the beginning, he was curious – not what is going on, but why. Art came later, a surprise, and has been growing ever since. Only recently has he begun to show his works. A major theme and subject in his work is Imminence.
A painter paints, an artist gives birth. Giulio’s work explores the juncture of coming into being, the transition region between active and passive. His work is often a simple image evoking a deeper reality or feeling. The act of painting brings both the work and the artist into a greater expression of being. Painting IS the ongoing inner dialogue of being. It is also an act of Trust in Oneself. Through Trust we find.

“Bringing this Dialogue into reality through painting integrates what I am”.


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Photographs, artwork and text are all Copyright: Giulio Perroni